Friday, March 30, 2012

What do we leave out?

I received a marketing newsletter recently that said,
  • "To hold the attention of the public, you must identify what you leave out. Organic fruit and vegetable growers leave out the fertilizer and pesticides. Netflix leaves out the trip to the video store. Digital cameras leave out the film. What does your company leave out?"

That got me thinking. What do we leave out for our guests?

Here are a few things I came up with:

  • We leave out guests having to pay all those extra fees that raise the price.
  • We leave out collecting (and sending back) a security deposit.
  • We leave out requiring guests to physically sign a contract and mail it back (it's all done online).
  • We leave out guests having to wonder if our online calendars are up to date (they are - all the time!).
  • We leave out guests having to arrive before an office closes in order to pick up the keys.

That's just a few to get you thinking. I'll try to list some more in another post.

But what do you think we 'leave out?' Leave a comment - we'd really like to hear your thoughts.


  1. You leave out the cost of hotel employees (good ones and bad ones).
    You leave out the people in the next room or overhead that make too much noise (or complain that you are making too much noise.
    In some cases you leave out the cost of parking your car.

    Elsie Hildebrand
