Saturday, May 18, 2013

'FIRE' at Smoky Mountain Tower

No, don't get worried.  The 'fire' we are talking about is our beautiful fire azalea plant, located in the woods just past the Sunroom.

The fire azalea blooms later than all the other azalea plants, so it should be just about at its peak in the next week or so.  And guess what.  You can enjoy it, too - if you hurry.

Smoky Mountain Tower (and All Decked Out, too) is available for your last-minute stay - but only until next weekend.  After that, we are booked until near the end of July.  So this is a great time to sneak in a quick trip to Gatlinburg.

And maybe you can even see the 'fire!'

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It must be spring - the BEARS are out!

Recently, we showed you our May calendar picture - full of bears.  Now it's time for the real thing.  Friends in Gatlinburg called to tell us they saw three cubs on the Parkway.  So the bears are out, including the new cubs.

This picture from (one of our advertising sites) is proof!

So if you want to watch for the new crop of bear cubs, now is the time to stay in All Decked Out or Smoky Mountain Tower.  We still have some nights open this month.  But you must hurry, because June is totally booked and July and August are almost full, too.

Just remember, bears are wild animals.  So watch for them ... and watch OUT for them.  You can get more information at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park website.