Sunday, February 26, 2012

We saw the LIGHT!

Congratulations to everybody who guessed our new addition on the side of the garage at Smoky Mountain Tower. You were right! It's a new motion sensor light, mounted just above the key box. Here's a daytime picture:

Here's how it looks with the light on at night:

Now, here are two broader views. The first one is with the light off. The second one is with the light on:

Okay, now let's try an experiment. I took a short video to show how the light works. It features our great maintenance man, Mark Kalinowski, who actually installed the light. Take a look:

There is still more BIG news coming. Anybody have a guess on what it is? Keep checking!


  1. My guess would be what you plan to do with the big open wall by the front door.

  2. Elsie - good guess, and we DO have some plans for that wall. But that's not the BIG news! I just have one more little thing I have to get done - and then I can make the announcement - hopefully by Wednesday morning.
