Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bear tracks

Finally, a post about Smoky Mountain Tower (well, kinda).

People ask, "Do you really see bears?" The answer is "yes and no." We personally have seen one bear around our cabins in the past six years. But our guests tell us all the time they see bears. About 3 weeks ago, there was a note in our guest book that, "my husband went out for a walk and saw 4 bears!"

We know they're there. At Smoky Mountain Tower, our next door neighbor, Bob, called me over when we were there a couple of weeks ago. He said, "Look on the driveway between the cars."

So I did, and this is what I saw:

Now, considering that it had rained two days earlier, these tracks were pretty fresh. Go back and look at the first picture - you can make out the tracks.

So, in answer to the question, yes, there are bears! But generally, if you don't bother them, they won't bother you. Don't let this keep you away. You will also enjoy wild turkey, chipmunks, and possibly even owls and hawks!

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