Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 = Trust, Work and Watch

As we begin 2014, none of us has any idea what will happen in the next year.  But here's a special thought I just read.  It comes from a devotional calendar that Phyllis and I read each day (I modified it slightly to put it in current language):

Trust today and leave tomorrow; each day has enough of care;
No matter what your burden is, God will give you strength to bear.
He is Faithful!  Cast on Him your every care.

Work today, and leave tomorrow; all around there's urgent need;
All around there's sin and sorrow; Broadcast, daily sow the seed.
He is faithful!  He shall bless your work indeed.

Watch today, and leave tomorrow; for tomorrow may not come;
For today our loving Savior, May appear to take us home.
He is faithful!  Look for Him, the coming One.

We think this is good advice for the year ahead.  And we are excited about what He is going to do this year.  We will keep you informed right here - and we hope to hear from you about how God is guiding you in trusting, working and watching.